Scripture for Particular Works
Many people new to hoodoo are already aware that the Psalms are frequently referenced in various works, but they really don’t have any idea which Psalms to use or even know which version of the Bible to use. So, I’m going to try to clear some of that up right here.
The version of the Bible I was taught to use is the same one I have used my whole life, and that is the King James Version, which is often abbreviated on websites as KJV. In addition, it is also helpful to know that the Old Testament is what is nearly always referenced when scripture is used. Obviously, when you are talking about the Book of Psalms, that is located in the Old Testament. However, what many people overlook is that any part of the Bible can be used if it speaks to you and seems applicable to the work at hand.
When folks are just starting out, they want something approachable, easy to reference, and has a history of being used for a particular type of working. That’s why many people start out using the Psalms and never really venture beyond that. Not everybody wants to become a Bible scholar; they just want to get some shit done. For those people, I always recommend the book, “Powers of the Psalms,”by Anna Riva. While there really isn’t much to the book, it is still an excellent reference that provides each Psalm and tells the type of work for which it is used. The book also includes a cross-reference which makes it even easier to find just the right Psalm. I rarely say this but, buy the book.
As I previously mentioned, the whole of the Bible can be used. A lot of people will go to the Psalms looking for that perfect bit of scripture for their love working, and no doubt there are a couple there that will fit the bill. However, for my workings, you will find me pulling scripture from the Song of Solomon, AKA the Song of Songs because it is, essentially, a collection of love poems. A collection of love poems right there in the Old Testament, you say?! Yeah, go figure; the Bible has a little something for everybody! Now, I won’t go any further into it than that because I really think the Song of Solomon needs to be read for its power to be fully grasped, but let’s just say that I think it could give the Brownings a run for their money. (I’ll take Victorian-era love poetry for $200, Alex.)
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